As the hermit in Tohou series, Seiga Kaku was once a Chinese human, and
she is obsessed with Taoism, so finally she becomes a hermit. Interms of her
costume, she has a very cute blue dress with white vest with blue decorations,
plus cute black shoes. Seiga has short blue hair and blue eyes, if you just
have same-colored hair or wig and also into cute costume, cosplay touhou Kaku
Seiga would be really fun.
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And we could find that
another cospalyer who also is dressing lovely outfit and wearing short pink
wig, yes, she is Kasen Ibaraki, a mysterious girl who desribles herself as “a
simple pilgrim”. Both of these two cosplay girls look very sweet and beautiful❤❤,
please don’t hesitate to leave comment
if you love their cosplay.
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You could get the beauitiful
costumes and wigs from online cosplay store